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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Rather Serious Question

So, I've got a rather serious question for everyone living with or married to a fat spouse . Do fat people enjoy being fat?  I'm not asking whether or not fat people are more or less happy than normal sized people I'm asking if they enjoy being huge (and by the way I'm not fat-bashing).

I'm asking this because I encountered a claim on one of the fat-acceptance websites where someone posted a statistic, essentially the results of  a survey, where the majority of fat people claimed they would rather give up a limb or an eye than stay fat.

This seems a little wierd to me (hopefully to you to). Acording to this survey, fat people are willing to give up a hypothetical limb or an eye to get and stay thin rather than giving up, IN REAL LIFE,  the food that made them fat to begin with? How screwed up is that?

Quite obviously this is nothing more than your garden variety fat acceptance propaganda which claims that  'society' makes fat people hate themselves. Or in fatspeak 'fat people are willing to mutilate themselves to conform to society's unrealistic expectations rather than accept themselves for what they are'.

This level of stupidity offends me on so many levels that it's hard to describe. For those stuck with a shamu-sized partner you should probably consider the following: If fat people are indeed willing to give up a hypothetical appendage rather than giving up fast food and reforming their lifestyles in real life - how important to them do you think is the relationship and your happiness?

posted by  Dying by degrees on Matilda Tuesday's My Fat Spouse Forum


  1. Take the fat girls in the picture. I FAT Bastard am too fat to pork any of them but skinny guys can.

    Do the find them attractive. Fat girls are sluts and all guys like sluts so that make them attractive.

    Fat girls give good head because they have to be and that's attractive.

    You can do things with a fat girl that you would not do to a barnyard animal and they will love it. That's attractive.

    Fat girls pay for dinner and by skinny guys stuff. That's attractive.

    Fat girls have low standards and all guys want a chick with low standards.

  2. I don't want to live on this planet anymore..

  3. Damn, Fat Bastard, you really have issues!


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